Welcome, fitness enthusiasts, to a complete shoulder workout routine at gym. This is the best shoulder workout for mass and strength. In this expert guide, we'll navigate through a full shoulder workout to hit all heads of shoulder. This workout is perfectly suitable for both men and women. Let's dive into the details and elevate your shoulder gains to new heights.

Warm-Up (5 Minutes):

Prepare your shoulders for the intensity ahead with dynamic movements to increase blood flow and flexibility.

  1. Arm Circles (2 Minutes):
    • Stand tall and rotate your arms in circular motions, gradually increasing the size. Do it alternatively one by one with both hands for 1 minute each
  2. Shoulder Rolls (2 Minutes):
    • Roll your shoulders backward and forward, focusing on loosening up the joints.
  3. Neck Tilts and Turns (1 Minute):
    • Gently tilt and turn your neck to both sides, promoting overall upper body mobility.

Main Shoulder workout (55-65 Minutes):

Exercise 1: Seated Barbell Shoulder Press

  • Sets and Reps: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
  • Muscle Targeted: Anterior Deltoids (Overall shoulder muscles)
  • Execution: Sit on a bench with back support, ensuring it allows a straight overhead lift and Grip the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width. Inhale, brace your core, and press the barbell overhead. Fully extend your arms without locking elbows. Control the descent, lowering the barbell to the upper chest, repeat for reps.
  • Rest Period: 90 seconds between each set

Exercise 2: Lateral Raises (To increase shoulder width)

  • Sets and Reps: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
  • Muscle Targeted: Lateral Deltoids (Side shoulder muscles)
  • Execution: Hold dumbbells in your both hands at your sides, raise them laterally, with a controlled form. Do not jerk. Try not to use your traps, instead use your shoulders. Then  lower the dumbbells back down slowly.
  • Rest Period: 90 seconds between each set

Exercise 3: Bent-Over Dumbbell Reverse Flyes (rear shoulder workout)

  • Sets and Reps: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
  • Muscle Targeted: Posterior Deltoids (Back of shoulder muscles)
  • Execution: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bend at the hips, keeping a slight bend in your knees, and let the dumbbells hang directly below your chest. Inhale and lift the dumbbells laterally to the sides, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep a slight bend in your elbows and maintain control throughout the movement. Exhale as you lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, maintaining the controlled motion. Remember to focus on back of shoulder muscles instead of your upper back.
  • Rest Period: 60 seconds

Exercise 4: Front dumbbell Raise

  • Sets and Reps: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
  • Muscle Targeted: Anterior Deltoids (Front shoulder muscles)
  • Execution: Hold dumbbells in both hands, raise both dumbbells to shoulder height infront of your body. And then lower it back down to starting position. Repeat.
  • Rest Period: 90 seconds

Exercise 5: Face Pulls (Cable Machine)

  • Sets and Reps: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
  • Muscle Targeted: Trapezius and Rear Deltoids
  • Execution: Attach a rope to the upper pulley of a cable machine. Stand facing the machine, grab each end of the rope with an overhand grip, and step back to create tension. Inhale and pull the rope towards your face, leading with your elbows. Keep your upper arms parallel to the ground, and focus on squeezing your rear delts and upper back muscles. Exhale as you control the release, allowing the rope to extend fully
  • Rest Period: 60 seconds

Cool Down (5 Minutes):

Wrap up your workout with static stretches to enhance flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

  1. Shoulder Stretch (2 Minutes):
    • Gently pull one arm across your chest and hold.
  2. Neck Tilts and Turns (2 Minutes):
    • Continue with neck tilts and turns to release tension.
  3. Triceps Stretch (1 Minute):
    • Extend one arm overhead and reach down the center of your back with the opposite hand.


Congratulations on covering this full shoulder workout! Consistency is key, so aim to integrate this routine into your weekly training program. A well-developed shoulder not only enhances your physique but also contributes to overall strength and stability! 💪🔥 #ShoulderWorkout #GymTraining #FitnessJourney

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